Carl Victor Moore is an Oklahoma City treasure. Having been a professional musician, singer/songwriter in the Gospel Music industry for over forty years.

I’ve worked with some of the best in live performance and studio situations. That said, I’ve had the pleasure to sing with Carl on the keys multiple times, and can truthfully admit he is one of the most amazing and talented musicians I have ever known. I have sincerely asked myself the question, “Is there anything he CANNOT play?” His work is many things.  Vibrant, joyous, sensitive, evocative, sensual and even haunting. Pop, Gospel, Jazz. and R&B at its finest rolls out of him like he invented the genres. Even with my education in music, I have wondered where everything comes from in his head that translates so brilliantly to his fingers. Audiences love him. I have watched on multiple occasions around town and witnessed their responses to his interpretations of familiar songs and melodies that transport people to places heartfelt and thought provoking. 

On top of all that, Carl is a genuine and loving individual. Somewhat of a rarity in his profession. Singers chomp at the bit to work with a musician of his caliber. When given the opportunity, if they are worth their salt in talent and technical prowess, it becomes a force to be reckoned with. 

I’m looking forward to his CD release. No doubt it will be worth hearing time and again. I guarantee I’ll get a copy and maybe some to pass around. 

Jerry Piper Singer/songwriter/musician 


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