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Happy Kwanzaa, Did I Say, "Happy Kwanzaa"

Umoja Kujichagulia Ujima Ujamaa Nia Kuumba Imani

Happy Holy Days and to all a Happy Kwanzaa. Why am I so gung ho on Kwanzaa? I was one of the individuals that was present at the Church of the Advocate (in Philadelphia) during the Second International Black Power Conference.

During this conference representatives of the African and Afro Americans voted to make Kwanzaa a national celebration of the first fruits.

Originally Kwanzaa was a seasonal holiday in parts of Africa that celebrated the first fruits of the harvest.. The current version of Kwanzaa was first adopted by Professor Ron Karenga (see the photo above) and the US organization. The idea was not to get caught up in the materialism of Christmas. This is why the Kwanzaa celebrations begin after Christmas is officially over. Kwanzaa begins on the 26th of January and ends on the New year..

When the concept was first floated I pretty much figured that there were to many days in the system. It has been quite a few years now and I see the days of Kwanzaa are persisting.

There is more to the Kwanzaa story and you can check it out by clicking the button below.  Hotep!



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Happy Kwanzaz Happy New Year From